Happy Thursday!

We are at the end of the week and the participants are still going strong.  Almost all of our squads finished work on their houses due to the incredible effort and servant hearts of our participants.  Their reward?  8:30 breakfast for tomorrow! They are excited for what tomorrow brings them as they meet with their homeowners and minister to them.

Tonight was a special night of worship as we had our Concert of Prayer.  You could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as the congregation prayed, sang praises, and took part in the Lord’s Supper.  Many of our participants also nailed their names to a cross to say “Here am I, send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Please continue to pray for our participants as they finish up the week, their homeowners, and all of those involved in making this project possible.

It’s not to late to send Serve Mail!  You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

In Christ,
Molly and Christian
Mission Serve Summer Staff

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