It’s Friday!

What a great day it has been!  Our participants got the treat of 8:30 breakfast today because of all their hard work.  Every squad was finished with work on their house before lunch today.  Most of the squads were able to spend their morning ministering and loving on their homeowners.

We kicked off our night of celebration by enjoying dinner with several of the homeowners.  It was such a blessing to have them join us.  Our dinner was interrupted by a power outage, however this did not stop us!  The power flickerd back on right when we were ready to begin our closing celebration….and it went back off again.  But the show must go on!  We had our closing celebration in the dark and sang I Saw the Light!  Thankfully the power came back on and we were able to worship in the light!

We are so proud of our participants and all the work the did in the name of Jesus.  Continue to be in prayer as they travel home and as they live out their lives as the hands and feet of God.

In Christ,
Molly and Christian
Mission Serve Summer Staff

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