Happy Monday!

Today, the participants were up bright and early to start their days working on homes in the Savannah area.  There are five squads: four of the squads are working on paint jobs, and one squad is working on roofing.  All of the squads were very productive and came back to the church tired, but safe and smiling! Be sure to support your participant by sending them ServeMail!

After the squads rested and cleaned up, we all gathered together for a time of worship.  Tonight, the message was daring to put others first. The message served as a great reminder of why we serve and why we are here this week.

After worship, we had our students had great talks in their youth group devotional time and played games in the fellowship hall. It is really cool to see new friendships form and grow in this environment. Tomorrow, the squads head back out to the sites and pray that the rain stays away.

Sending Smiles,
Jenna & Sam

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