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Mission Serve relies heavily on our summer staff to ensure a quality missions experience for all involved. Our summer staffers truly are the “face” of Mission Serve at the project and play a vital role in every aspect of the week. Because of this we look for quality applicants who can join us in our endeavor to create an opportunity for students to be used by God to impact people. If chosen to be on summer staff, you will get the chance to help students and adults from all over the country make a difference for the Kingdom of God and even become a difference maker yourself.


If you are looking for a chance to fulfill God’s calling in your life, if you want to commit a summer to missions, if you want to make an impact in the lives of students, if you want to help change cities all over the country, if you want to be a difference maker for Christ, then we want you to apply for summer staff today!

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Each project has a 2-person summer staff team consisting of an Administrative Project Specialist (APS) and a Technical Project Specialist (TPS). The summer staff team works alongside the Project Coordinator, Construction Coordinator, and designated volunteer staff to manage the project.

Check out descriptions of each position below, to see which one fits you.


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