
It’s a Marvelous Monday in Trenton, New Jersey!

This morning we sent off our squads to work with a Great Send off! Everyone gathered in the church worship center, and worshipped with each other before departing to their various worksites! This week, the squads are doing a large variety of work. They are doing everything from roofing, to painting, to fencing and one group is even renovating a old garage to transform it into the food bank!

After everyone returned from the sites, and showered we had some amazing dinner before heading to worship. Tonight, Thomas talked about Saul’s transition to Paul, and how great a transformation that was. His focal point in the message was how the change was drastic and sudden and how their was no way for Paul to return to his old life.

Please remember to pray for the community the participants are impacting and for the participants themselves! Also, you can join in on helping encourage these participants through ServeMail!

Hopping in the Holy Spirit,

Samantha and Thomas

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