Its a Super Sunday in Trenton today!

Today we got up bright and early for an amazing breakfast provided by Central Baptist Church, before we split up we all gathered as a large group to pray before splitting up, to go our different host-churches throughout the community for morning service.

Four of the groups found themselves at Shiloh Baptist Church, where they are doing work this week. While the Mission Serve volunteers and staff attended Central Baptist and were touched when the entire congregation laid hands on us and prayed over our week.

Our afternoon was busy one, as we visited worksites, did our church photos, and had squad position training. Worship tonight was an amazing experience, and Pastor Samaha did an awesome job, honing in on our key verse this week: 2 Corinthians 5:17. He used suitcases and duffle bags to illustrate how the world gives us baggage in the lies we believe, and how to leave them at the cross.

Please pray for the groups as they begin work tomorrow, and for the community they are reaching for Christ this week! Also you can encourage the participants this week with Serve Mail!

Jumping for Jehovah,
Samantha and Thomas

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