
Welcome back!

It is Sunday in Walterboro and we are already having a blast!  We started off the day by attending 18 local churches in the surrounding area. The community has been extremely supportive and welcoming.  Each squad was served a delicious meal, the vast majority being fried chicken, and encouraged by how dedicated these churches are to the mission we are carrying out this week. These churches will also be delivering lunches to the squads each day. We are so grateful!

This afternoon consisted of many important activities. After church, the squads visited their worksites and met a few of their homeowners. It was a great bonding experience for all of the participants.

In the evening, Speaker Trey centered his message around Galatians 5:13-14 and challenged us by asking us how we will use the freedom that we have in Christ.  This week, we have the perfect opportunity to love and serve others and he ended our time together by daring us to do so. Trey set a great example by washing the feet of one of the participants from his home church. Later, participants were asked to write on a large paper their goals for the week and what they want to see God do.

We finished the evening with lots of basketball and volleyball being played in the gym, devotions with church groups, and much action at the Mission Serve promo table. The real work begins tomorrow and we are thrilled.

Please continue to pray for our project that everyone will be safe and that we all share the love of Christ this week with the community.

Also, don’t forget to write ServeMail to out participants.

Sending love,
Jenna & Sam

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.