Greetings from D.C.!

Today was the first day on the worksites, and the participants were ready for action! This morning the crews went off to their roofs, paint jobs and ministry sites with the staff outside cheering them on. All of the squads did a phenomenal job for the first day on the worksite, and a lot have gotten further than what they were expecting to. This is all due to the willingness of the participants to work hard and make sure that these jobs get done right.  God was working on the ministry sites today as the ministry squads started their backyard Bible Study today. Through out all of the Bible Studies, the local kids loved the creative crafts and games that the participants got to play with them.

After everyone came back to the facility, the participants got to hang out in the dining area before worship. This time is particularly special to the participants, because it is the time that they can all get to know each other and play games during the day. Worship tonight was amazing. Eric delivered another amazing message tonight. He focused in on Ephesians 4:11-16, talking about how we must be united in Christ in order to grow in the church and reach out to others. One of the things that he said that really stuck with the participants was “If we are rooted, then we will reach. If we are not reaching, then we are not rooted.” Eric emphasized the importance of being grounded in the Word of Christ if we are to impact our community and grow the church. After the message, many participants stayed in the sanctuary and spent another 10-15 minutes specifically praying for their communities and their deepened knowledge and relationship with Christ.

it was a great day here in D.C., and all of us are looking forward to another great day tomorrow! Don’t forget to send ServeMail to encourage the participants, and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat!


Be sure to check back tomorrow for more news from D.C.! Goodnight!

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