Hello from D.C.!

Today, all of the participants were treated to a full day off here in D.C.! The participants got to finally sleep in for a bit before heading off to explore Washington D.C. with their church groups. Some churches toured the National Mall and the Smithsonians, while others checked out the National Zoo. One group even decided to go to Six Flags! Wherever the participants went, they had a blast just relaxing and being with each other.

Tomorrow is another day on the worksites, and the participants are eager to get back to work. Sleep comes early to them tonight, as they have to wake up for another 6am breakfast. Be sure to check back in tomorrow for more news from D.C.!

It isn’t too late to send your friends and family that are here in D.C. encouraging notes through ServeMail! They would love to hear from you! To send ServeMail, follow the link here. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat for the latest news from all the projects going on this summer!


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