Happy Friday!

What a week it has been?! This week has flown by so quickly, we cannot believe that it is already coming to a close. We are so thankful for how the Lord has blessed us this week. All ten of our construction sites completed their work for the week! Some were even able to finish early today and got the opportunity to minister to people around their sites. All three of our ministry sites also wrapped up their projects this afternoon too! A huge thank you goes out to our participants who have worked so hard to complete their work! We are ever thankful for them.

Tonight our worship time begun a little differently then it did the rest of the week. We began with our closing celebration. It was so much fun getting to thank all of the people who help make this possible. Following the celebration, the squads had their final squad chat! Our participants got the opportunity to tell their new friends goodbye!

Following the final squad chat, we ended our project with one last worship service. Maddi and her guitarist Jonathan lead us in song and Toby delivered his final message on restoration, our them for the week. Toby challenged us to preach Jesus with our lives. In Acts 9:20-22, Saul demonstrated this mission for us. Toby challenged us, as we leave tomorrow morning, that our mission is to show Jesus’ love for us through the way we live our lives. What a great challenge for us all!

Thank you so much for joining along with us this week! Please pray for safe travels as everyone heads home tomorrow.

Your Summer Staff,
Madeline and Jackson

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

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