Today was our final work day on the jobsites and everyone has done a fantastic job! All of our squads were able to finish their projects and we are super proud of all our participants.
After everyone returned to the church for the evening, we had our final dinner together and began our closing celebration! We recognized our coordinators, construction captains, squad leaders, cooking team, the band, volunteers & supervisors! We are so thankful for all our adults who have taken on leadership roles this week, they are a big help when it comes to making all this possible.
This evening many of our homeowners joined us for dinner and worship. It was extremely nice to see them off the worksites and each squad was very excited to worship the Lord with new friends. During worship, our speaker, finished off the week by daring us to go home and live like Christ.
As everyone one packed up, goodbyes were said and hugs were received. We are all so sad to leave tomorrow morning but all of our participants cannot wait to go home and tell about their week here in Washington, DC.
Thank you so much for keeping this project and everyone here in your prayers this week. This would not be possible without all your support. God truly did amazing things in our students lives this week and we hope they hold on to them forever.
Signing off from Washington, DC…
Your Summer Staff,
Jack & Jordan