Happy Sunday from everyone here in Washington D.C.!

We started off our day with a GREAT breakfast, cooked by our AMAZING kitchen staff. Then, everyone departed with their squads, to their local churches that hosted our participants with worship and lunch. We are so very thankful for the community and their help with our project. These churches will also be delivering lunches to the squads throughout the week. After lunch, squads stopped by to check out their worksites and to meet their homeowners. We LOVE watching our students create new relationships while serving.

After our squads returned from a fun-filled morning, we took our group pictures and large group photo! During evangelism training, students were encouraged to share their faith this week on their worksites and in the community. Next on the list, squad position training! Each squad assigned positions such as a Break master, Chaplain, Reporter and Medic. Students were very excited to take on these roles.

This evening, our speaker, centered his message around Galatians 5:13-15 and hit the main points from these verses: Being called to freedom, use freedom as an opportunity to serve one another and love your neighbor. He ended the night by reading from Philippians 2:3-4 and daring us to start putting ourselves last this week, as we serve here in Washington D.C.

Please continue to pray for our project and for our participants as they head out to their first day of work tomorrow! Also, don’t forget to show your support by sending ServeMail.

Your Summer Staff,
Jack & Jordan

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