
Happy Thursday!

This morning, after a whole day off yesterday, our squads headed out to their worksites to begin finishing up their projects! Some squads returned to their home they had been working on all week, while others finished up on Tuesday and headed to new worksites. It has been so awesome to see how hard our participants have been working to finish the projects they have been working on. Everyone has had positive and encouraging attitudes, which go a long way!

Because of the hard work our participants have been doing, all of our sites should be completed! Also, many lives have been changed in the city because of our participants hearts to not only complete the physical work before them but also to share the Gospel!

Tonight at worship, our speaker, Toby, read from Acts 9:17-22. In this passage, Saul was blind but then Jesus performed a miracle and scales fell from Saul’s eyes allowing him to now see. Toby reminded us that the Lord still can and will perform miracles in our lives, just as he did in Saul’s life. In order to the Lord to perform miracles, we must live spirit filled lives.

As our participants head out for their last day of work here in Washington, DC, we ask that you continue to pray for everyone involved in this project! We have had a great week, and we want to finish out strong! Also, please send your friends and family one last letter through ServeMail!

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.