
Happy Thursday everyone!

There was some concern that the squad members might be moving a little slower today after such an incredible an active day yesterday.  But the squads completely disproved that today by working even harder! Because of this, a couple of the squads were able to finish their projects today. Their plan for tomorrow is to go and help some of the other squads to ensure that everyone is able to successfully complete their tasks at the worksites.

We are so thankful for everyone’s dedication this week!

Tonight our speaker Steve started worship by asking us what the most important things in our life are. He put into perspective how important it is to filter out the unimportant things in life to get to the things that matter the most. We were asked to think about what we would do if the end was near. He then moved into talking about 1 Peter 4:7-11. Tonight Steve challenged us to pray in a deeper way, so that we are asking God what we can do instead of asking Him to do things for us.

We only have one day left on the worksites so please continue to keep everyone here in Washington, DC  in your prayers!

Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Don’t forget to send ServeMail to participants this week!

Your Summer Staff,

Lindsey and Pat