
Happy Tuesday everyone!

It’s been an awesome day here in Washington DC, and we are having a great week so far!

Today all of our squads continued working hard at their job sites and one squad even finished! We are so thankful for the hard work that each and every participant has put forth this week, and all of the work that is to come.Tomorrow, our participants get the privilege of having a full day off from work and get to explore the city! Everyone is so excited for a day off from working hard.

Tonight we had a special kind of worship. We had our Concert of Prayer. This was a special time of worship and prayer led by our speaker, Toby, and Maddi and Jonathan, our worship band. The Lord’s presence was clear and evident tonight in the Concert of Prayer. We had the opportunity to write a sin we struggle with on a piece of paper and place it under the cross where Jesus’ blood was shed. We then had the illustration of our sins being washed away and becoming white as snow covering the sins we wrote down on paper with a white sheet. Our participants also had the opportunity to take communion. To close this time of prayer and scripture reading, we worshipped the Lord through song. What a great privilege that we get to see God’s presence!

We ask that you continue to pray for our participants and everyone involved in making this week happen. Your prayers are most definitely felt! Feel free to write your friends and family a note of encouragement through ServeMail!



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