
Happy Saturday from West Frankfort!

Registration day is complete, so let the mission begin! All of our groups arrived safe and sound from their home states of Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi and Illinois. All the participants are very excited and eager to start the busy week ahead!

Tonight, our speaker, Mike Lyon, challenged us to step out of our comfort zone, to be bold, and to be daring this week. What a great message to start off an amazing week! After worship, all participants met with their squads for the first time, everyone is very excited about creating new friendships.

Tomorrow morning everyone will attend a local church service with their squad. We are so grateful for the churches in the West Frankfort community for hosting our participants for lunch and worship.

Please remember to keep all of our participants in your prayers as they head off to work sites this week. Also, show your support by sending ServeMail to the mailboxes here in West Frankfort!

Your Summer Staffers,
Jordan and Chad

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.