
Wishing everyone a happy Thursday!

The rain will not stop us! Participants departed for their fourth day on the worksites this morning to finish out their roof. Over half of our squads have finished their homes and will be going to a different home tomorrow to help out! The homeowners and locals of the West Frankfort are ecstatic to see the impact our participants have on the community. Please check out Mission Serve’s interview with WSIL 3 abc to hear about the awesome work our participants are completing this week.

Tonight, Toby spoke of walking with Jesus in our daily lives. Toby challenged participants to stray from their natural tendencies and guide ourselves using prayer and His teachings. We must preach Jesus with our lives rather than follow our prayers with sinful actions.

As we begin to walk away from this week, we ask you keep your participant in your prayers and of course, keep sending them words of encouragement through Servemail.

Best Blessings,

Lauren and Sam

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