
Hello from West Frankfort on this lovely Tuesday!

Today was a wonderful second day on worksites! Our squads are making incredible progress and impressing everyone with their faithful work.

Today one of our sites was treated to a refreshment by an anonymous buyer who recognized the Mission Serve hat the squad leader was wearing. The buyer knew of our ministry and construction within his neighborhood, and paid for twelve slushes for the squad leader to bring back to the group. God is everywhere and God is good.

Tonight’s worship was a very special experience for participants known as the concert of prayer. This time is used for participants to lead themselves with self guided worship and can be a very spiritual experience. Within this time, worship songs are sung by the band and images and scripture are used to inspire prayer. God’s presence was moving through us as he impacted many participants lives. We are blessed to have witnessed a worship as powerful as this one. During the concert, participants were asked to write their sins on a piece of paper and place them at the foot of the Cross to represent their salvation through His sacrifice. This active imagery goes along with Mission Serve’s theme: Restore.

We ask you pray for everyone at this project and their spiritual relationship with Him, and of course, if you’d like them to know you are praying for them, Servemail is a wonderful resource.

Sending good vibes,

Lauren and Sam

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