Happy, happy Tuesday from WF!

All of our squads had a very productive day! A few of them are very close to finishing up their roofs, and after that they will head over to help the others finish up by the end of the week. There was a little rain on and off throughout the afternoon. However, that didn’t stop our participants from working hard!

The squad that is serving at the Herrin House of Hope served over 200 people again today! God is so good!

This evening we heard a fantastic message from our awesome speaker, Jeremy Myers. He spoke about the woman at the well and how we need to focus on loving others who are not always the same as we are.

After the long day, everyone is ready for bed to rest up for our half day tomorrow! They will head to their work sites, work until noon and then spend the afternoon with their youth groups for a free day!

Please continue to keep our students in your prayers for the remainder of the week. Also, don’t forget to send them ServeMail to keep in touch!

We hope everyone had an amazing Tuesday!

Your Summer Staffers,
Jordan and Chad

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