
Washington, D.C.

July 23-30, 2018
Send Servemail


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Washington, DC – Friday

Happy Friday!

What a week it has been?! This week has flown by so quickly, we cannot believe that it is already coming to a close. We are so thankful for how the Lord has blessed us this week. All ten of our construction sites completed their work for the week! Some were even able to finish early today and got the opportunity to minister to people around their sites. All three of our ministry sites also wrapped up their projects this afternoon too! A huge thank you goes out to our participants who have worked so hard to complete their work! We are ever thankful for them.

Tonight our worship time begun a little differently then it did the rest of the week. We began with our closing celebration. It was so much fun getting to thank all of the people who help make this possible. Following the celebration, the squads had their final squad chat! Our participants got the opportunity to tell their new friends goodbye!

Following the final squad chat, we ended our project with one last worship service. Maddi and her guitarist Jonathan lead us in song and Toby delivered his final message on restoration, our them for the week. Toby challenged us to preach Jesus with our lives. In Acts 9:20-22, Saul demonstrated this mission for us. Toby challenged us, as we leave tomorrow morning, that our mission is to show Jesus’ love for us through the way we live our lives. What a great challenge for us all!

Thank you so much for joining along with us this week! Please pray for safe travels as everyone heads home tomorrow.

Your Summer Staff,
Madeline and Jackson

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Washington, DC – Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

What a great day it has been here in the capital! All of our participants got to sleep in a little later today. Here in DC, they get a full day off! Everyone was so excited to head out to explore our nations capital.

All of our churches head to the National Mall to explore. They visited museums and monuments, and some even had some time to head to a shopping mall! One church even took a tour of the capital and got to meet their state senator!

After a long, but fun day off, our participants will head out bright and early to their worksites tomorrow morning to finish off the week strong! We ask that you continue to pray for everyone involved in this project. Your prayers have been felt so keep them coming! Don’t forget to send your friends and family a note through ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,
Madeline and Jackson

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Washington, DC – Thursday

Happy Thursday!

This morning, after a whole day off yesterday, our squads headed out to their worksites to begin finishing up their projects! Some squads returned to their home they had been working on all week, while others finished up on Tuesday and headed to new worksites. It has been so awesome to see how hard our participants have been working to finish the projects they have been working on. Everyone has had positive and encouraging attitudes, which go a long way!

Because of the hard work our participants have been doing, all of our sites should be completed! Also, many lives have been changed in the city because of our participants hearts to not only complete the physical work before them but also to share the Gospel!

Tonight at worship, our speaker, Toby, read from Acts 9:17-22. In this passage, Saul was blind but then Jesus performed a miracle and scales fell from Saul’s eyes allowing him to now see. Toby reminded us that the Lord still can and will perform miracles in our lives, just as he did in Saul’s life. In order to the Lord to perform miracles, we must live spirit filled lives.

As our participants head out for their last day of work here in Washington, DC, we ask that you continue to pray for everyone involved in this project! We have had a great week, and we want to finish out strong! Also, please send your friends and family one last letter through ServeMail!

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Washington, DC – Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone!

It’s been an awesome day here in Washington DC, and we are having a great week so far!

Today all of our squads continued working hard at their job sites and one squad even finished! We are so thankful for the hard work that each and every participant has put forth this week, and all of the work that is to come.Tomorrow, our participants get the privilege of having a full day off from work and get to explore the city! Everyone is so excited for a day off from working hard.

Tonight we had a special kind of worship. We had our Concert of Prayer. This was a special time of worship and prayer led by our speaker, Toby, and Maddi and Jonathan, our worship band. The Lord’s presence was clear and evident tonight in the Concert of Prayer. We had the opportunity to write a sin we struggle with on a piece of paper and place it under the cross where Jesus’ blood was shed. We then had the illustration of our sins being washed away and becoming white as snow covering the sins we wrote down on paper with a white sheet. Our participants also had the opportunity to take communion. To close this time of prayer and scripture reading, we worshipped the Lord through song. What a great privilege that we get to see God’s presence!

We ask that you continue to pray for our participants and everyone involved in making this week happen. Your prayers are most definitely felt! Feel free to write your friends and family a note of encouragement through ServeMail!



Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Washington, DC – Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

It’s been a great day here in Washington DC, and we can’t wait to see what God has in store for the rest of the week. This morning we kicked off our first work day with a Great Sendoff. Our participants were excited and ready to get to their worksites and begin sharing the love of Jesus.

After a long day on the work sites, our participants enjoyed some time relaxing, fellowshipping with each other, and even eating ice cream! We are so thankful for these participants and their willingness to serve the Lord and all of the hard work that they have put forth today.

Tonight our speaker Toby spoke to us about Saul and his journey. We learned that sometimes the Lord has to blind us in order for us to see.

Now our participants are winding down and getting ready to continue their week bright and early in the morning. Please continue to pray for the participants, squad leaders, construction captains, and volunteers as they all work together to serve those here in the DC area.

Don’t forget to send your friends and family ServeMail to encourage them as they continue through this week!

Your Summer Staff,
Madeline and Jackson


Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Washington, DC – Sunday

Happy Sunday!

This morning, some of our squads headed out to local churches to eat and fellowship while others attended church service at our facility, Luther Rice Baptist. All of our squads enjoyed getting to worship together and fellowship this morning.

Today our participants attended squad position training, where they learned the responsibilities of being medics, chaplains, break masters and reporters. We are so thankful for the students that have chosen to dedicate their time to serve their squads in these roles this week. Our participants also had the opportunity to attend evangelism training this afternoon where out speaker Toby reminded us that our main goal for this week is to share the gospel.

Tonight our band Maddi and Johnathan led us in a time of worship, and afterward our speaker taught us about worship and how we should spend more time with Jesus. This is something that can never be taken from us- just like how the time that Mary spent with Jesus was invaluable and could never be taken away from her.

All of our participants are excited to begin their work week tomorrow morning. We will have thirteen squads total working this week: ten construction sites and three ministry sites. Our participants will be working on roofs, building porches, painting homes, and facilitating Vacation Bible School for local children.

We can’t wait to see what god has in store this week! Please pray for us feel free to send your loved ones ServeMail!

Your Summer Staff,

Madeline and Jackson


Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.

Washington, DC – Saturday

Happy Saturday!

What a great day it has been here in our nations capital?! All five of our churches arrived safely from South Carolina, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia. We are so excited to be joined by these churches here this week.

Our week kicked off with some fun during our Opening Celebration with worship and games! We have some competitive and talented youth here and fun was had by all getting to know each other.

Our worship this week is being led by our band, with Madi Sullivan leading us. They set the tone for our week great. Toby Robinson is our speaker for the week. He delivered a great message on being restored to kick our week off to a great start!

Following worship and youth group devotions, our squads met for the first their first official squad chat. All of our participants were so excited to see who they would be working with for this week. Our squad leaders assigned the positions of break master, medic, Chaplin, and reporter. Tomorrow, these people will attend a squad position training so they are ready to help lead their squads in these roles!

We are so excited to see how God works this week in the Washington, D.C.! Please join us in praying for everyone involved in this project this week. Feel free to send your friends and family a note through ServeMail!

Thank you so much for following along with us! Make sure you’re following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the latest Mission Serve news.


What is Washington, D.C. like?

Population: 672,228
Poverty Level: 18.9%

sources: Talk Poverty, U.S. Census Bureau


What is Mission Serve’s relationship?

This will be Mission Serve’s sixth summer serving in the nation’s capital. We partner with the District of Columbia Baptist Convention to provide construction and ministry in the city.


What kind of work?

  • Roofing
  • Painting
  • Ramps
  • Ministry


Project Coordinator

Callie Freeman
(540) 570-0539

Construction Coordinator

Leon Rembert
(803) 229-0057


Toby Robinson


Maddi Sullivan


Participants typically enjoy an entire day off on the Wednesday of project week. Spend your free time exploring the most famous gems of the nations capital with the Smithsonian museums on the National Mall, the monuments, Arlington Cemetery, the National Zoo, and more.

